Sähköautojen lataus onnistuu helposti ABB:n latausinfrastruktuurilla

ABB luo pohjan tulevaisuuden älykkäämmälle, luotettavalle ja päästöttömälle liikenteelle, joka on saatavana kaikille ja kaikkialla. ABB tarjoaa ratkaisuvalikoiman, joka kattaa mm. kompaktit, laadukkaat AC-latauslaitteet ja innovatiiviset sähköbussien latausjärjestelmät. Valikoimamme sisältää myös luotettavat DC-pikalatausasemat, joiden ansiosta sähköauton latausaika nopeutuu merkittävästi. Näin muodostuu infrastruktuuri, joka vastaa uuden sukupolven älykkään liikenteen tarpeisiin. Sähköauton lataaminen työpaikalla, ostoskeskuksissa ja parkkihalleissa onnistuu kätevästi ABB:n latausasemilla. ABB tarjoaa myös laajan valikoiman sähköauton kotilatausasemia.

ABB Ability™ -alusta on turvallinen tuki sähköautoille. Se mahdollistaa ennakoivan huollon ja nopean palvelun kaikkialla maailmassa. Olemme aina tukena, jos sähköauton latauspisteen asennus vaatii apua. Sähköautojen lataus ABB:n latausasemilla on mutkatonta, koska meillä on vuosien kokemus latausinfrastruktuurin luomisesta, asentamisesta ja huoltamisesta, mukaan lukien lukuisat kansalliset latausverkot.

Tilaa uutiskirje, niin saat ajankohtaista tietoa uutuuksista ja koulutuksista

Tilaa uutiskirje

Kun tarvitset lisätietoa, teknistä apua tai haluat tehdä tilauksen, asiantunteva henkilöstömme on apunasi.



Latauspalveluja tarjoava Wattery uskoo avoimuuteen

ABB:ltä suurtehoa Aimo Parkin pikalatausasemille

ABB E-mobility toimitti miljoonannen sähköautojen latausasemansa

ABB E-Mobilityn maailmanlaajuisen tutkimuksen mukaan lapset vauhdittavat sähköautoilun kehitystä

Sähköautotietoa kootusti – ABB mukana Arjen älykäs sähköauto -hankkeessa

ABB tukee Shellin tavoittelemaa maailmanlaajuista sähköautojen latausverkostoa

Kööpenhaminan lentoasemasta tulee Tanskan suurin sähköautojen latauspaikka ABB:n tekniikan avulla

Tutustu Terra DC WB latausaseman etuihin ja tee aikaa kestävä sijoitus sähköiseen liikenteeseen!

Tiedolla apua arjen sähköautoiluun

Maakunnan autossa sähköautoja ladataan ABB:n kompaktin Terra DC WB latausaseman avulla

ABB lanseeraa maailman nopeimman sähköautojen latausaseman

ABB ja AWS kehittävät sähköajoneuvokalustojen käytön tehokkuutta

Terra AC -kotilatausasema mahdollistaa sähköautoilun ilon

Näpsä SMART-EV-ulkomittauskeskus

ABB ja Green.TV edistävät jälleen sähköiseen liikenteeseen siirtymistä vuoden 2021 World EV Day -tapahtumassa

ABB ja Amazon Web Services ohjaavat kuljetusliikkeitä kohti täysin sähköistä tulevaisuutta

Älykäs laskutusjärjestelmä on ABB:n työpaikkalatauksen ydin

Suomen ensimmäiset täyssähkökuorma-autot latautuvat ABB:n tekniikalla

Haluatko oppia lisää sähköisestä liikenteestä?

ABB:n kaksisuuntaisella latausteknologialla sähköautot voivat pian syöttää virtaa takaisin sähköverkkoon

Sähköauton latauspaikat kannattaa suunnitella hyvin

Tammelundin Liikenteen sähköbussit ladataan yöllä varikolla

Sopisiko Terra AC -latausasema sinun pihallesi?

ABB:n uusi Terra AC -latausasema

Katso Terra AC webinaaritallenne

ABB:n pikalatauspisteet täydentämään K-ryhmän valtakunnallista latausverkostoa

Akku täyteen Lidl-kauppareissulla


Sähköautojen lataus

Terra 360, tehokas all-in-one-latausasema

Terra AC -latausasema 3-22 kW

Terra 94, Terra 124 ja Terra 184 DC-latausasemat


Terra DC-latausasema

Jakokeskukset sähköautojen lataamiseen

Bussien ja kuorma-autojen lataus


Sähköbussien pikalataus

Katso webinaarit

Video @YouTube

Kohti kestävää liikennettä

Kohti kestävämpää liikennettä

Tulevaisuuden sähköinen liikenne

Sähköisen liikenteen palvelut


Sähköbussien lataaminen reitillä


Raskaat ajoneuvot

Tienvarsien pikalatausasemat

Kaupallinen pysäköinti julkisella pysäköintialueella

Lataaminen kerrostaloissa, hotelleissa ja työpaikoilla

Lataaminen omakotitaloissa

Home charging multi unit

Shared charging for personal freedom


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Although the majority of EV users will want to charge at home, many will not have access to entirely private parking areas in which to do so. The installation of shared chargers can solve this issue, benefitting tenants, developers and property managers alike.

By installing shared charging facilities at multi-unit residences, property owners and developers can not only make their buildings more appealing to a wider range of buyers and tennants, but help to improve their local environment while futureproofing themselves in the face of rapidly growing EV ownership.

The options can seem overwhelming, but ABB has a number of excellent charging solutions for multi-unit dwellings.

Products & services

As a source-to-socket solution provider, ABB is laying the foundation for clean transportation, helping our customers reduce their impact on the environment.

Terra AC wallbox

A compact wallbox for safe, smart and reliable charging at your home.


A reliable and convenient app for EV drivers looking to upgrade their charging experience.


A practical and efficient tool for qualified electricians to configure and maintain Terra AC charging solutions.

EV Charging for Workplace

Helping businesses to keep moving forward


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The opportunity to conveniently charge during the working day can make a big difference to EV drivers. Whether seeking to offer charging to employees, customers and visitors, or even facilitate the operation of a company EV of their own, businesses of all sizes can benefit from the installation of workplace EV infrastructure.

As many industries seek to reduce their emissions and lessen their environmental impact, empowering employees to make greener transport decisions can play a significant role. ABB’s range of workplace charging solutions can help property owners and building managers to improve EV uptake while aiding their company and the planet.

As many industries seek to reduce their emissions and lessen their environmental impact, empowering employees to make greener transport decisions can play a significant role. ABB’s range of workplace charging sollutions can help property owners and building managers to improve EV uptake while aiding their company and the planet.

Products & services

As a source-to-socket solution provider, ABB is laying the foundation for clean transportation, helping our customers reduce their impact on the environment.

Terra DC fast chargers

Terra DC fast chargers are designed for quick, convenient charging of all electric vehicle models.

Terra DC wallbox

Offers fast charging in an ultra-compact footprint for larger residential, commercial and business applications.

Terra AC wallbox

Provides safe, smart and compact charging at your home or office.

EV Charging for Retail

Empowering customers and driving sales


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Providing EV charging points at retail locations can be beneficial to customers and business owners alike. While shoppers enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing they can plug in, businesses can benefit from the additional time customers spend browsing while they wait for their charging cycle to complete.

Aside from providing an additional service to existing customers, the presence of EV chargers can also put a business on the map, literally. By attracting drivers looking for somewhere to stop and charge their cars while they shop, savvy retailers can engage with new clients who may otherwise have passed them by.

ABB offers several solutions to help your customers charge, catering to all sizes and types of retail business.

Products & services

As a source-to-socket solution provider, ABB is laying the foundation for clean transportation, helping our customers reduce their impact on the environment.

Terra HP fast chargers

Terra HP is a modular high-power charger ideally suited for highway corridors and EV fleet operations.

Terra DC fast chargers

Terra DC fast chargers are designed for quick, convenient charging of all electric vehicle models.

Terra AC wallbox

Provides safe, smart and compact charging at your home or office.

Terra EV fast chargers

ABB’s Terra DC fast chargers are designed for quick, convenient charging of all electric vehicle models, including those equipped with high- voltage battery systems. The Terra’s compact size makes it perfect for public and fleet use, while its modularity allows an increase of charging power up to 180 kW and serves up to three electric vehicles at the same time.

The Terra family of DC fast chargers includes the Terra 24 to the Terra 184 (20 to 180 kW), including the Terra 54 – the most deployed 50 kW charging station across Europe and North America.

Compact footprint

  • A small footprint with an all-in-one enclosure makes Terra DC fast chargers perfect for parking and fleet environments with limited available space
  • No need for separate power cabinets, significantly reducing installation costs versus other high-power charging solutions

Maximized revenue generation

  • Supports all EV charging standards and battery voltages on the market
  • Can charge up to three vehicles at once (2 charging fast plus 1 slow/AC charging for CE models)
  • Large number of customizations: credit card payment terminal, cable management system, customized screen, branded cabinet


Future ready

  • With output voltage up to 920 VDC, it’s ready to charge every EV battery
  • Supports future business needs with easy power upgrade up to 180 kW

Fast charging beyond 50 kW

City Charging Point

The Terra chargers can provide a quick

“refill” adding 100 km(62 mi) of range in

as little as 25 minutes (Terra 54) or

15 minutes (Terra 94).

Retail / Shopping Center

The Terra 124 and Terra 184 charger can

provide a full charge to two vehicles

simultaneously while shopping or dining;

plus a third vehicle via the AC outlet (CE models).

Fast Charging Station

The higher power versions of the Terra

chargers can add 100 km(62 mi) of range in

under 8 minutes* and fast-charge two vehicles

at the same time.

* actual charging speed depends on the electric vehicle model and charging condition

Terra AC wallbox

It wasn’t built today. It was built 130 years ago.

Brought to you by the global experts in smart mobility, smart buildings and smart homes, the Terra AC wallbox is built on ABB’s 130-year heritage of accessible technology leadership for safe, smart and sustainable electrification and informed by our comprehensive expertise in e-mobility.

Click to watch video

With a decade of experience in innovating, installing and maintaining e-mobility infrastructure, including several nationwide charger networks, we’re trusted by some of the world’s biggest brands to provide smarter mobility solutions from highway to home. No other wallbox provider has a portfolio as strong as ABB, spanning the AC and DC charger market offering tailored, intelligent and connected charging solutions for any location type and business.

These attributes combined make ABB the home of charging, and the wallbox an essential component of connected living. The Terra AC wallbox is the superior EV home charger, delivering high-value quality, futureproof flexibility, and advanced safety and protection.

Serving a growing market

Terra AC wallbox

High-value quality

The Terra AC wallbox is the best value home charger on the market. It delivers the exceptional quality expected from the world leader in charging with a cost-effective solution.

Futureproof flexibility

With connectivity and smart functionality, the Terra AC wallbox is built to adapt to deliver the most optimized charge today and into the future. Convenient home charging that integrates seamlessly into everyday life.

Safety and protection

Safety is a core principal of both ABB’s business and the Terra AC wallbox. The wall charger, as with ABB’s entire EV charging product portfolio, has been evaluated and tested to the highest safety standards by independent, third-party safety certification organizations.

Use cases

Terra AC wallbox provides tailored, intelligent and networked charging solutions for any business, home or location.

At home

From single unit to multi-tenants 

At the workplace

From small offices to large offices, business parks and complexes

Retail and hospitality

From hotels to sports institutions and shopping centers

Explore the technical features of the Terra AC wallbox

Load management

  • Build-in energy meter
  • Set up for external energy meter integration for dynamic load management
  • Ready for integration with advanced smart building energy system 

Built-in safety

  • Overcurrent
  • Overvoltage and undervoltage
  • Ground fault
  • Surge protection


  • Type 1 and type 2 cable
  • Type 2 socket with or without shutter
  • No need of extra hook, attached cable can be wrapped around the charger


  • IEC variants:
    – Single phase up to 7.4 kW / 32A
    – Three phase up to 22 kW / 32 A
  •   UL variants up to 19 kW / 80 A
  • NEMA 3 enclosure
  • All variants: IP54, IK10


  • Ethernet RJ45
  • Bluetooth
  • Wifi
  • 4G variants
  • RS485 for connection to energy meter
  • OCPP 1.6
  • Authentication via ChargerSyncTM app and portal or RFID 
  • Configuration through TerraConfig app and portal

Our offering

Terra AC wallbox IEC

Connector type 2 or socket
Complying with IEC standards

Terra AC wallbox UL

Connector type 1
Complying with UL standards

Digital tools


AC wallbox manuals

Terra HP Charger – Up to 350 kW


The third generation of Terra HP charge post is a modular 175-350 kW high-power charger ideally suited for highway corridor and EV fleet operations.

Infrastructure needs are growing and the demand for faster and higher power is continuously increasing. With ABB Dynamic DC power sharing technology, power cabinets can be connected to charge one vehicle at up to 350 kW and 500 A or two vehicles simultaneously at up to 175 kW and 375 A. The Terra HP generation III charge post offers a premium charging experience with high-output power at low noise levels, a long charge cable with cable retraction system, small footprint of the user unit, and several authentication, payment and customization options

Premium user experience

Easy to use

The Terra HP generation III charge post offers a premium charging experience with high-output power at low noise levels, a long charge cable with cable retraction system, small footprint of the user unit, and several authentication, payment and customization options

Brand experience

Customizable brand

Make the charger a real part of your brand image for an optimum user experience. Customize the charger by applying wrapping, selecting a matching color for the LED strips, and customizing the user interface to match brand identity.

Profitable operation

Built for business

Terra HP fully supports commercial operation with Dynamic DC power sharing to optimize use of charging assets, site energy management solutions to enable future growth while optimizing grid connection costs, and remote software enabling a future proof system by making it possible to upgrade the capability of today’s and tomorrow’s EVs.


  • New cable retraction system with long cables
  • Wide output voltage range from 150 to 920 V DC supporting todays and next generation EVs
  • 500 A charging at low noise levels
  • Dynamic DC power sharing technology to save costs
  • Scalable installation with integrated galvanic isolation
  • Small charge post footprint, integrated cooling system and connection to standard 400 V AC grid
  • Radiated EMC emission on residential level (Class B).
  • Compliant with IEC61851-23 limitations on Y-capacity at system level, and IP67 rating on liquid cooled charge cables
  • Several customization option (LED color strips, screen size, payment terminals)





Terra HP charger – Generation II

Services and tools

Web tools

E-mobility Service Offering

Secure the availability, performance and safety  of your electric vehicle fast  chargers

Empowered by connectivity

ABB’s E-mobility Service Offering enables fast and reliable remote troubleshooting improving first-time right repairs and reducing travelling costs.

Global support and availability

ABB backs up its SLAs with local, regional and
global teams of experts, all easily accessible.

Large installed base footprint and service centers

By leveraging on one of the largest EV chargers installed base and providing services to the biggest charge point operators, ABB Charger Care SLA can benefit any business model and size offering the same service level to any installed base size.


E-mobility Service Level Agreements

Charging infrastructure must operate with the highest utilization and lowest downtime.

ABB’s service level agreements meet that demand, incorporating a decade of experience with thousands of intelligent fast chargers deployed across the globe.


Service ensures operational excellence

Operational excellence starts with reliable chargers. ABB’s family of EV chargers are modularly designed to withstand heavy operation under rugged conditions. In addition, ABB’s fast chargers are the easiest in the market to service, with 24/7 connectivity for remote diagnostics, and accessible designs that expedite maintenance and field service.


High uptime means high utilization

ABB’s service level agreements optimize charger uptime for faster remote and on-site response times, from the industry’s most experienced service team – committed to customer success.

Charger Support Request Response Time (CSRT)

Response time is defined as the maximum allotted time requested for ABB to respond to customer inquiries, acknowledge receipt by the EV charging service team, and begin the remote troubleshooting process.

Remote Diagnostics Response Time (RDRT)

Remote Diagnostic Response time is defined as the maximum allotted time requested for ABB to provide remote response after receiving a charger support request. In cases where the charger error is flagged as a level 3 issue and the support issue must be elevated to the Global Service Desk, the final response time may be delayed.

Deployment Time of On-site Service (DTOS)

Deployment time is defined as the amount of time after the remote diagnostic response process is complete to the dispatching of an engineer/tech to site. If the issue cannot be resolved via remote support and it is mutually agreed that on site support is needed; and spare parts are either at site or confirmed for delivery to site, then ABB authorized service personnel will be dispatched to be on site. The timing of site work must also be mutually agreed upon.


Enabling your charging operation through intelligent connectivity, and Connected Services and Web Tools

Charger connectivity enables remote service and support. Through ABB’s robust platform, our customers have 60% of their service cases solved remotely resulting in very short response times and substantially reducing downtime. Connectivity allows remote software updates including charging protocols, user interface enhancements and back-end solutions for minimal field intervention as well as future-proofing software.

ABB Web Tools provide an online web interface that gives charging infrastructure operators and fleets with real-time status information and usage statistics on their equipment. Owners can gather detailed session statistics, configure chargers according to their preferences and obtain valuable insights through charger usage statistics. All charge session data can be exported and managed directly from this user-friendly application.

Service options for every charging site

Charging infrastructure backed by a warranty must offer the highest utilization and lowest downtime. ABB’s warranty services are enhanced by remote and real-time connectivity to ensure seamless operation and longest equipment lifetime.

When integrated to ABB Connected Services platform and under a Service level agreement, ABB can provide 24/7/365 network monitoring, remote updates, troubleshoot and onsite service within predefined response times.

Main features and key benefits 

  • Highest uptime and reliability by adequate preventive maintenance.
  • Operational savings by remote monitoring, trouble shooting and repairs without site visit.
  • Quick on-site repairs by remote diagnosis, modular design, and local spare parts availability.
  • Repairs are exclusively performed by ABB certified personnel. This could be ABB’s service organization, or the service organization selected by the customer after training and certification by ABB.
  • Training modules are available for end-users, customer care personnel and service engineers. Trainings can be hosted at customer location on request.
  • Clear communication and case tracking via ABB Web tools.
  • Over-the-air software updates and upgrades will be installed on all chargers covered by a SLA.